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with Negotiate Everything

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Body Language

What role does body language play in negotiations and how can I use that to my advantage?

Rude clients

How can I maintain a positive relationship with the client if negotiates become contentious or hostile?

How do I handle a situation where the client is pushing for a discount, but I can’t lower the price?

Any advice you have would be awesome

Common Mistakes for Novice Negotiators

What is the most common mistake you see new or experienced negotiators make?

Team Dynamics

I have observed a team dynamics in the past where subordinates are "pushing back" on their leader. It left me perplexed as to what might be behind this. Leaders want fearless advice, but also expect faithful implementation. When the faithful implementation side is missing, it unbalances team function. Clearly conflict is at play here. Do you have any insight as to what might be a dynamic at the root of this, and what techniques could be used to restore a healthy dynamic?